This post it a little late...
My baby brother Jamison is in the MTC preparing to go serve in the Missouri Independence Mission. And I want to brag about how great he is.
On October 14th, Jamo gave a farewell talk worthy of a returned missionary and I have never been more proud of him. My brother has always been something special. He loves everyone, and everyone loves him. He is constantly reminding people to stop being judgmental, that one can never completely know what someone is going through. When I think of Jamison's character, I always think of my favorite hymn: "Who am I to judge another, when I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can't see." This is Jamo's most Christlike quality, one that many of us need to be reminded of.
Another great quality about Jamo is that speaking in front of people is a cake walk for him. He has the ability to stand in front of a lot of people and speak from his heart, be himself, and be led by the spirit, something that will help him during his mission. I knew his farewell talk would be sweet and honest and inspiring; my expectations were not only met but far exceeded. As he spoke about the gift of the Holy Ghost, I realized that my little brother really was ready. He had done his part in preparing for his mission. He had remained strong when many around him faltered. He was ready to serve. I was no longer looking at my little brother, but a man willing and ready to sacrifice.
For those of you that know my brother, you know he is goofy, fun, and confident in himself, sometimes a little too confident even! If you were there in the chapel that afternoon, you saw the change that I saw. As he shared personal experiences, his humility and honesty connected him to his audience. And then he testified. He testified of the power of the Atonement, of the real power of the Holy Ghost to influence your life and lead your decisions. Jamison stood before us a humble servant of God, recognizing his imperfections and his dependence on the spirit.
As I said before, because Jamo can love anyone, everybody loves him. I was really touched by the immensity of the support system he had that day. My favorite part of the day was seeing all of his inactive and nonmember friends there to support him. And not only were they there, but they were clearly feeling the spirit as Jamo spoke. He was touching their hearts. They were filled with the spirit, many of them with tears streaming down their faces because of the love they could feel and see that their friend had for them. His friends support him 100%, no matter their religious beliefs, in serving a mission and for that I am extremely grateful. They respect and love him for his decision to put a mission first in his life.
Jamison made me feel special that day - he told me some things that I really needed to hear. He called me his 'rock', told me I was the one that kept him going, was there to help him through anything and work through any questions. He trusted me to help him make right decisions. I'm so humbled and grateful. I was surprised because I always considered him to be MY 'rock' and go-to person, not the other way around. I guess that's what makes our relationships so special and strong, because we've always relied on each other and been there for each other through everything.
Whenever I needed someone's love, I turned to Jamison. I would drive all the way home some weekends just because I needed him to make me laugh. I am so proud of my brother; words cannot even express it. Watch out Independence- you have one dang good missionary heading your way!