My life is good.
Actually, my life is great!
Why? 3 reasons.
The first reason is the stud in this picture with me. It's a dang good reason, don't ya think? He takes care of me. He understands me, and when he doesn't (cause lets face it- we women can be crazy) he tries really hard to. He gives really good advice- he's got a few more years of wisdom than me. He rubs the knots out of my shoulders, and out of my heart. He heals me, and what he can't heal he reminds me that someone higher and mightier can. He makes me laugh. Don't be deceived by his pretty boy first impression- he's really a nerd, just like me. He lets me be a part of his family. And I love it. A lot. Because that's what it's all about, family. The family that you have now and the family that you will make for yourself. He holds me when I cry and tells me that it's cute, even when I know I must look disastrous. He constantly reminds me how lucky and blessed I am when I have those days when nothing is going right for me. He makes me a better person- I'm starting to learn the key to happiness: forgetting about yourself and doing all you can for the people you love. And best of all, he loves me the way I am. And that's all I've ever wanted.
The second reason is that I have successfully overcome my mid-college crisis. Yep, that's right. I had one. I have always loved school. I've always prided myself on that. Well, the past few months have consisted of lack of focus, lack of motivation, and lack of passion for learning. I kept pushing through it and pushing through it. But that didn't seem to work. Something had to change. The only reason I was studying Math Ed. was my love for teaching, and that reason just wasn't enough anymore. At a session of General Conference, I got an answer. The Lord fulfills his promises! I can still be a teacher and do what I love without being a Teacher. Get it? This semester I began my Coaching minor classes and let me tell ya- I am soaking this stuff up! My craving for learning returned, my desire to excel is back, and I am motivated. So, here's my solution: I changed my major to Exercise and Wellness. And the really great part? I can still graduate on time! The Lord watches out for me and I am so thankful. I now have new hopes and dreams. I went through some refiner's fire to find them, but they are here and they are stronger than ever.
The third reason is more personal. Again, a lot of inspired people have helped me find answers to my questions. I was letting some things from my past hold me back. I didn't want to. But I didn't know how to let go. Now I do. Forgive and forget has taken on a whole new meaning to me recently. It means digging down deep for compassion. It means mustering up courage. It means humbling yourself so that others can help heal you. It means learning to love and trust again. It means remembering what is most important in the bigger picture. It means moving forward, even when the unknown is scary. It means finding gratitude for what you have and forgetting what you don't. It means finding happiness. After all, it is better to look up. And it means having confidence and faith that you can overcome anything, anything at all.
Never Say Never.
Well said! Welcome to the family! We love ya!